Welcome to the world Baby Brother Goodwin.
January 24, 2009
2:56 pm
7 lbs 13 oz 21 1/2 in
Baby was born in a fast and furious way! Autumn had planned a drug free gentle birth at a birthing center - and SHE DID IT!
Autumn was in labor off and on for 4 days. But once her water broke everything came so fast! She did a FANTASTIC job! Dustin was such an incredible support to her.
Alisa, the midwife, is the best around. I know Autumn was blessed by her sweet presence. Look at that boy!
Daddy gives his first of many talks to his boy. Just beautiful.
The Goodwin's first family photo of FOUR!!!
What a sweet pair! Boy has joined "The Big Brother Club".
Mommy and her little angel. Can you believe she was wearing jeans when I took this photo - 2 hours after the birth - no joke!
Brother in his going home outfit.
Autumn, Dustin, Boy, & Baby we love you all so much! You're family is gorgeous.
Baby, what a blessing from above you are.
Autumn we are all so proud of you - what a powerful woman you are!
Hugs to all of you, I am sure Autumn will post her birth story when she finds time between nursing, changing diapers, and staring at her beautiful new boy!