Autumn, if you live, you will never walk talk or be able to live on your own. -Drs. at birth
Autumn, you are not smart. -Many of my teachers
Autumn, you are not pretty. -Class mates
Autumn, you are a brat. -My siblings
Autumn, you will never stop wetting the bed. -My Grandmother
Autumn, you are not cool. -Everyone my own age, where ever we moved
Autumn, you are not dateable. -All the boys
Autumn, you are not as good as your brother. -Everyone who knew my brother, before they met me
Autumn, you will never get a good education, you should find a rich man to take care of you. -My dad(in a joking manner...I took it seriously for a long time)
Autumn, you will need a maid when you grow up. -my mother
Autumn, you are not worth it. -Satan
All of it is a lie.
The TRUTH is:
I am alive.
I am smart.
I am pretty.
I am sweet and caring.
I stopped wetting the bed.
My son thinks I am cool.
My husband asked me out.
My brother is not as perfect as everyone thinks he is(although he is pretty awesome).
I am in college and I can take care of myself.
I do need a maid, I am not the best house keeper, I do try. I have improved though.
Jesus died for me. He thinks I am worth it.
What lies have you believed?